For Seller (Dealer) FAQs please log in to your seller account here.


Questions about Buying on Hunt Vintage

I have a question about an item?

Every product has a section titled ‘Ask Seller a Question‘. Please send a message here and the seller will respond to you as soon as they can.

I have a question about an order?

Please use the contact seller feature from the orders section of your account.

This depends on the dealer and the location of the item. If the location is easy to get to, and the seller has a physical store – you can ask the seller if they will accommodate this through the ‘ask the seller a question’ feature.

You can use the following payments through Hunt Vintage at present: Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay and Google Pay. All payments through Hunt Vintage are safe and secured.

Once you have placed an order, the seller will confirm the availability of the item. You can view the status of your order within the My Account section of your account.

Yes, we use Stripe as our payments system – this allows us to process all credit and debit card transactions, as well as Google and Apple Pay, in a safe, easy, and secure manner. Stripe has been audited too by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. You can learn more about this payment system here:

If you are a professional trader or would like to sell please view our ‘sell an item‘ page’ for more information and to have your item (s) considered by our team for inclusion. If you would like to partner with us or speak to us about dealer opportunities please contact us today.

If you are a consumer based in the European Union, you have a legal right to cancel the contract under the Consumer Goods Act within 14 days after receiving the Goods. This means that during this period if you change your mind or decide for any other reason that you do not want to purchase the Goods, you can notify us of your decision to cancel the contract and receive a refund.

The right to cancel does not apply to the following types of Goods, which are non-refundable: items that are personalised, bespoke or made-to-order to your specific requirements.

If you cancel an order after an item has already been dispatched for delivery, the costs of delivery are non-refundable, and you are responsible for returning the item to the seller in the same condition. To cancel your order, you must request the cancellation on your order directly.

Please follow the instructions below to initiate the cancellation of your item(s):

  • Log in to your Hunt Vintage account
  • Select My Orders
  • View Order (if you have more than one order, please check your order number which will be on the confirmation email that was sent to you)
  • Create Cancellation

Your request will then be reviewed and you will be contacted as soon as the seller has confirmed that the item has not been dispatched.

You can learn more about our cancellations and returns here.